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Pilot Medical Exams

Available @MMU Airport

Aviation medical exams are required but need not be stressful.  Knowing what to expect, how to complete the MedXPress  application, and find a qualified Aviation Medical Examiner are all likely to make your pilot experience better.  We are here to answer your questions and ensure that the FAA medical is fair and provides a transparent understanding of your health

CDL DOT Examinations

Available @MMU Airport

Preventive and Diagnostic Services

Adult preventive and diagnostic services focusing on reducing cardiovascular risk factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, weight loss, and smoking.

We use stress testing and echocardiograms for cardiac evaluation of coronary artery disease.

Firefighter Medical Examinations

Our specialists will provide your department with the finest on-site FD medical services anywhere.

Specialists will perform on-site physical exams for your firefighters. First and foremost, our goal is courteous and professional medical service. We will jointly develop a comprehensive program that fulfills the requirements of your fire department and its members. At your earliest convenience, we would like to meet with you to begin development of a new program for your department or to confirm the details of your existing program.
