

From: Raymond Basri <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx >
Date: June 24, 2014 11:03:41 AM EDT
To: <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re:  LASIK

That is very good news indeed. I’m happy you are satisfied with the results. You should bring the report from the eye specialist as well as completing your Medxpress online application listing it as a surgical procedure.

I look forward to seeing you on your next visit and removing your vision restriction from your certificate.


On Jun 24, 2014, at 09:14 AM,  < xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > wrote:

Hey Dr. Basri – how’s things?  Hope your summer is off to a good start.

I’m your pilot patient who took your advice and had LASIK performed last November at TLC.  Very happy I did – 20/20 or better on each subsequent vision test!  My Class I is scheduled with you in July.  I wanted to know what documentation, if any, you need me to bring for this physical.  It’s my first physical since having the LASIK.  Also, can the “corrective lenses” restriction be removed from my medical now?

Thanks for letting me know – I’ll bring whatever documents you need from either TLC or my follow-up exams from my local optometrist.  Look forward to seeing you next month.



Delta Air Lines