Duration of FAA Pilot medical certificates

Many pilots ask if we could recap the duration for their medical certificates. and the frequency for the EKG for the first class airmen. First Class Medical Certificate: A first class medical certificate is valid for the remainder of the month of issue; plus o    6 calendar months for operations requiring a first class medical […]

Lasik Correction for Pilot

From: Raymond Basri <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > Date: June 24, 2014 11:03:41 AM EDT To: <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re:  LASIK That is very good news indeed. I’m happy you are satisfied with the results. You should bring the report from the eye specialist as well as completing your Medxpress online application listing it as a surgical procedure. I look forward to seeing […]

Captain Sully Sullenberger and the Miracle on the Hudson

I turned on the radio and caught the first mention of a plane down in the Hudson. Not just a plane, but a commercial airliner in the river just a half mile away. By Ray Basri, MD, FACP I began my morning running a couple of stress tests and then settled into the office seeing […]

Complete the FAA MedXPress application prior to your exam!

Please be sure to complete the MedXPress application prior to your exam. You may print the confirmation page, jot the confirmation # down or take a picture of the number with your phone and bring it to your exam. Here is the link: http://medxpress.faa.gov/